The Series Unterwegs
Impressions, Views, Rest Areas
My series "Unterwegs" is a piece of panel painting and is therefore also part of a long line of occidental painting traditions. I feel very well looked after there and am happy every day to continue this type of painting today. The individual panels stand for themselves, but are still part of a whole, a big story or journey.
Ocosingo, Waschtag, 2025, 37x40cm -
Waldweg, Thalweber, 2025, 40x37cm -
Alpspitze bei Klais, Winter, 2025, 37x40cm -
Alpspitze, Winter, 2025, 37x40cm -
Holzstadl bei Klais, 2025, 37x40cm -
THanning, Weiherweg, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Thanning, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Rimsting II, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Rimsting, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Herzogstand, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Feldkirchen, 2024, 40x37cm -
Wald, Eckbauer, 2024, 40x37cm -
durch's Dickicht, 2024, 40x37cm -
Ambach, Kapelle, 2024, 37x40cm -
Les jardins Alfabia, 2024, 40x37cm -
Le maillot jaune, 2024, 37x40cm -
Ambach, 2024, 37x40cm -
Benediktenwand, bei Sindelsdorf, 2024, 37x40cm -
Welle, Arillas V, 2024, 37x40 -
Sommerflimmern I, 2024, 37x40cm -
Arillas, Nische mit Fahrrad, 2024, 37x40cm -
die Pappeln vor'm Haus, Morgen, 2024. 37x40cm -
die Pappeln vor'm Haus, Abend, 2024, 37x40cm -
Sommerflimmern II, 2024, 37x40cm -
die blaue Treppe III, 2024, 40x37cm -
Agios Stefanos, Treppe, 2024, 40x37cm -
Mythos, 2024, 37x40cm -
Der Torrero und seine Tochter, 2024, 37x40cm -
Ariaga, 2024, 37x40cm -
Waldweg, 2024, 40x47cm -
Treppe, rot, 2024, 40x37cm -
Gargnano, 2024, 40x37cm -
Puig Major II, 2024, 49x37cm -
Secret Garden, Mäuerchen, 2024, 37x40cm -
Puig Major I, 2024, 37x40cm -
Chioggia, 2024, 37x40cm -
Moscari, 2024 37x40cm -
Nachmittags-Wintersonne, 2024, 40x37cm -
Pool, Spiegelung, Gegenlicht, 2023, 37x40cm -
Arillas, die blaue Treppe, 2023, 40x37cm -
Walchensee, rosa Shirt, 2023, 40x37cm -
Oleander, 2023, 40x37cm -
Badetuch, 2023, 40x37cm -
Boot am Strand II, 2023, 50x55cm -
Boot am Strand, 2023, 37x40cm -
Arillas, Weg durch Schilf und Ginster, 2023, 40x37cm -
Strand bei Dimitri, 2023, 37x40cm -
Secret Garden, Terrasse, 2023, 40x37cm -
Secret garden, rosa Nische, 2023, 40x37cm -
Bordighera, Sonnenschirm, 2014, 37x40cm -
Korsika, Berg bei Calvi, 2021, 37x40cm -
Secret Garden, Nachmittagssonne, 2022, 40x37cm -
Überfahrt, Reling, Steuerbord, 2023, 37x40cm -
Albarella, Seestück, 2023, 37x40cm -
Überfahrt, Reling, Backbord, 2023, 37x40cm -
Welle,Arillas IV, 2023, 37x40cm -
The Tourist, 2023, 37x40cm -
Afionas, sonnige Wand und Töpfe, 2023, 37x40cm -
Secret Garden, Gartenstuhl, 2023, 37x40cm -
Welle, Arillas III, 2023, 37x40cm -
Welle, Ile Rousse II, 2023, 37x40cm -
"Welle, Ile Rousse III, 2023, 37x40cm -
Welle, Ile Rousse I, 2023, 37 x 40 cm, 2023, 37x40cm -
Welle, Arillas II, 2023, 37x40cm -
"Welle, Arillas I, 2023,37 x 40cm, 2023, 37x40cm -
Venedig, Passanten, Rollkoffer, 2023, 40x37cm -
Secret Garden, Nische, 2023, 40x37cm -
Secret Garden, Hocker, 2023, 40x37cm -
Öhnböck, Neuschnee, 2023, 37x40cm -
Lago di Garda, Motorboot, 2023, 37x40cm -
"Next Summer", 2023, 37 x 40 cm, -
Venedig, Hotel, Boote, 2023, 37x40cm -
Sineu, 2023, 40x37cm -
Secret Garden, Terrasse, Badetücher, 2023, 37x40cm -
Treppe zur Dachterrasse, 2023, 40x37cm -
Schorsch's Apfelbaum, Neuschnee, 2023, 37x40cm -
Son Rabassa, der Weg zum Pool, 2022, 37x40cm -
Öhnböck, Kühe, Herbst, 2022, 37x40cm -
Thanninger Weiher, am Damm, 2022, 37x 40 cm -
Thanninger Weiher, heiter, 2022, 40x37cm -
Arillas, Landsend ohne Ginster, 2022, 37x40cm -
Agios Stefanos, Plastikstuhl, 2022, 40x37cm -
Arillas, die blaue Treppe II, 2022, 37x40cm -
Oleandermauer, 2022, 37x40cm -
Terrasse unter'm Schilfdach, 2022, 37x40 cm -
Sête, Palme, 2022, 37x40cm -
Rapsfeld bei Irschenhausen, 2022, 37x40cm -
Agios Stefanos, Hoteleingang, 2022, 37x40cm -
Alpspitze, 2022, 37x40cm -
die kleine Radlerin, 2022, 37x40cm -
Arillas, Beach bei Ina, 2022, 37x40cm -
Malerarbeiten, 2022, 37x40cm -
Albarella, Bancomat, 2017, 37x40cm -
Schorsch's Apfelbaum, Schneeschmelze, 2022, 37x40cm -
Öhnböck, Tauwetter, 2021, 37x40cm -
A. Stefanos, Blick nach Albanien, 2021, 37x40cm -
Arillas, loamy girl, 2021, 37x40cm -
Arillas, die blaue Treppe, 2021, 37x40cm -
Nachbar's Fahrrad II, 2021, 37x40cm -
Nachbar's Fahrrad I, 2021, 37x40cm -
Sidari, die rote Treppe, 2021, 37x40cm -
Southbound again, 2020, 40x37cm -
Sête, Rue Pascal, 2020, 37x40cm -
Sête, Hafen, 2019, 37x40cm -
Santanyi, 2015, 37x40cm -
Palavas, Sonnenanbeterin am Handy, 2014, 37x40cm -
Albarella, Heimweg, 2020, 40x37cm -
Albarella, auf dem weg zum Kiosk, 2014, 37x40cm -
Autobahn bei Salina Cruz, 2020, 37x40cm -
Calvi, 4 Freundinnen, 2017, 37x40cm -
Ellesmere, Narrowboat, 2017, 37x40cm -
Arabica, 2020, 40x37cm -
Öhnböck, Winter, Schichtungen, 2019, 37x40cm -
Southbound, 2020, 40x37cm -
Sête, Strand, 2020, 37x40cm -
Rialto, Holzfällerhemd, 2019, 37x40cm -
Ocosingo, 2015, 37x40cm -
Bordighera, WellenbrecherI, 2013, 37x40cm -
Rosolina, rotes Auto, 2012, 37x40cm -
SS309 bei Lughetto, 2015, 37x40cm -
Geraldine Road, am Sofa, 2019, 37x40cm -
Canon del Sumidero, 2017, 37x40cm -
Albarella, Ausfahrt, 2011, 37x40cm -
die Reifenträger, 2021, 40x37cm